# Compose Complex Transactions
In Cosmos, a transaction is able to encapsulate multiple messages.
In this section, you will:
- Send multiple tokens in a single transaction.
- Sign and broadcast.
- Assemble multiple messages.
# Send multiple tokens using sendTokens
In the previous exercise, you had Alice send tokens back to the faucet. To refresh your memory, this is what the sendTokens
function takes as input:
(opens new window) allows Alice to send not just stake
but also any number of other coins as long as she owns them. So she can:
However, there are limitations. First, Alice can only target a single recipient per transaction, faucet
in the previous examples. If she wants to send tokens to multiple recipients, then she needs to create as many transactions as there are recipients. Multiple transactions cost slightly more than packing transfers into the array because of transaction overhead. Additionally, in some cases it is considered a bad user experience to make users sign multiple transactions.
The second limitation is that separate transfers are not atomic. It is possible that Alice wants to send tokens to two recipients and it is important that either they both receive them or neither of them receive anything.
Fortunately, there is a way to atomically send tokens to multiple recipients.
# Introducing signAndBroadcast
has the signAndBroadcast
The basic components of a transaction are the signerAddress
, the messages
that it contains, as well as the fee
and an optional memo
. As such, Cosmos transactions can indeed be composed of multiple messages.
# Token transfer messages
In order to use signAndBroadcast
to send tokens, you need to figure out what messages go into the messages: readonly EncodeObject[]
. Examine the sendTokens
function body:
Therefore, when sending back to the faucet, instead of calling:
Alice calls:
Confirm this by making the change in your experiment.ts
from the previous section, and running it again.
Building a transaction in this way is recommended. SigningStargateClient
offers you convenience methods such as sendTokens
for simple use cases only.
# What is this long string?
As a reminder from the previous tutorial, the typeUrl: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend"
string comes from the Protobuf definitions and is a mixture of:
is initially declared:And the name of the message itself,
To learn how to make your own types for your own blockchain project, head to Create my own CosmJS objects.
# Multiple token transfer messages
From here, you add an extra message for a token transfer from Alice to someone else:
Note how the custom fee input was replaced with the auto
input, which simulates the transaction to estimate the fee for you. In order to make that work well, you need to define the gasPrice
you are willing to pay and its prefix
when setting up your signingClient
. You replace your original line of code with:
# Mixing other message types
The above example shows you two token-transfer messages in a single transaction. You can see this with their typeUrl: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend"
Neither Cosmos nor CosmJS limits you to combining messages of the same type. You can decide to combine other message types together with a token transfer. For instance, in one transaction Alice could:
- Send tokens to the faucet.
- Delegate some of her tokens to a validator.
How would Alice create the second message? The SigningStargateClient
contains a predefined list of typeUrls
that are supported by default, because they're considered to be the most commonly used messages in the Cosmos SDK. One is MsgDelegate
, and that is exactly what you need. Click the source link below to see the rest of the typeUrls
that come with SigningStargateClient
Click through to the type definition, and the cosmjs-types
Now that you know the typeUrl
for delegating some tokens is /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate
, you need to find a validator's address that Alice can delegate to. Find a list of validators in the testnet explorer (opens new window). Select a validator and use their address in the following script, which you can copy to replace your original token transfer:
When you create your own message types in CosmJS, they have to follow this format and be declared in the same fashion.
# Next up
You are now able to send complex transactions. How about you do the same but from a Web-browser, with the help of Keplr? That is the object of the next section.