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# Feegrant Module

The feegrant (opens new window) module enables the granter (a user, contract, or module) to pay the fees for someone else (the grantee) when the grantee wants to broadcast a transaction on the blockchain. The granter retains full access to their tokens and is able to revoke the allowance at any time.

# Use Feegrant to Grant an Allowance

An often discussed use case for the feegrant module is improved onboarding experience because new users don't have to acquire tokens before they can start interacting with the blockchain or smart contract.

Two fee allowance types (opens new window) are implemented with the feegrant module:

  • BasicAllowance

    Grantee uses fees from a granter's account. The allowance can have a one-time limit, an expiration, or no limit.

  • PeriodicAllowance

    Grantee uses fees from a granter's account. The allowance has a limit that is periodically reset.

In this tutorial, you will set up two tokens in your blockchain: a default token called stake to use for fees and another token called kudos to send to your friends.

  • You will learn how to spin up a single node network using the simulation application in Cosmos SDK (simapp).
  • Set Alice up to be a validator.
  • Bob is the grantee who receives a BasicAllowance that allows Bob to send kudos tokens to Alice, even though Bob has zero stake to pay for fees.
  • Alice is the granter and grants a BasicAllowance to Bob.

# Requirements

Before you start the tutorial, you need to install the simd binary.

Clone the cosmos-sdk repository:

Copy $ git clone https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk

Change directories and check out v0.44.0:

Copy $ cd cosmos-sdk && git checkout v0.44.0

Install the simd binary:

Copy $ make install

Check to make sure the installation was successful:

Copy $ simd version

The version number 0.44.0 is output to the console.

# Configuration

If you have used simd before, you might already have a .simapp directory in your home directory. To keep the previous data, either save the directory to another location or use the --home flag and specify a different directory for each command in the following instructions. If you don't want to keep the previous data, remove the previous directory (rm -rf ~/.simapp).

Run the following commands to configure the simd binary.

Set the chain ID:

Copy $ simd config chain-id demo

Set the keyring backend (opens new window):

Copy $ simd config keyring-backend test

# Key Setup

You'll have to create a few test keys for your users.

Add a key for Alice, the validator:

Copy $ simd keys add alice

Add a key for Bob, the grantee:

Copy $ simd keys add bob

If you'd like to see an overview of your keys, use:

Copy $ simd keys list

To avoid having to copy and paste the user addresses, now is a good time to export the user keys to variables that you can access and use for this tutorial.

Copy $ export ALICE_KEY=$(simd keys show alice -a) $ export BOB_KEY=$(simd keys show bob -a)

# Chain Setup

The following commands set up a chain using the simulation application (simapp).

Initialize the node:

Copy $ simd init test --chain-id demo

Alice is your validator. Add Alice and an initial balance to the genesis file:

Copy $ simd add-genesis-account alice 5000000000stake --keyring-backend test

Add Bob and an initial balance to the genesis file:

Copy $ simd add-genesis-account bob 2000kudos --keyring-backend test

Note that Bob has only kudos tokens and is not able to pay for any fees that might be needed.

Generate a transaction to add Alice to the initial validator set:

Copy $ simd gentx alice 1000000stake --chain-id demo

Add the validator transaction to the genesis file:

Copy $ simd collect-gentxs

# Start Chain

You are now ready to start a single node network on your local machine.

Start the chain:

Copy $ simd start

# Grant Allowance

Before Bob can send kudos to Alice, you must set up an allowance for Bob so that Alice pays for any gas fees the transaction might incur.

The BasicAllowance is a permission for a grantee to use up fees until the spend_limit or expiration is reached. Open up a new terminal window and create an allowance with a spend limit of 100000stake and no expiration date:

Copy $ simd tx feegrant grant $ALICE_KEY $BOB_KEY --from alice --spend-limit 100000stake

View the allowance:

Copy $ simd query feegrant grants $BOB_KEY

# Send Tokens

First, let's check the balances of Alice and Bob. Verifying the initial balance provides a baseline so that you can later confirm if your transaction was successful:

Copy $ simd query bank balances $ALICE_KEY $ simd query bank balances $BOB_KEY

Note that Alice has 4999000000stake because she bonded 1000000stake to become a validator during the chain setup.

Any transaction that is sent using the tx command can use the --fee-account flag to specify an account as input to pay for the fees.

Send kudos tokens from Bob to Alice, while Alice pays the fees:

Copy $ simd tx bank send $BOB_KEY $ALICE_KEY 100kudos --from bob --fee-account $ALICE_KEY --fees 500stake

Look at the balances again:

Copy $ simd query bank balances $ALICE_KEY $ simd query bank balances $BOB_KEY

Notice how Alice has 500stake less than before. The 500stake was added to the transaction that Bob signed.

View the allowance again:

Copy $ simd query feegrant grants $BOB_KEY

Note how spend_limit has been reduced and Bob now has 99500stake left to spend on fees.

# Revoke Allowance

The granter can revoke the allowance from the grantee using the revoke command.

Revoke allowance:

Copy $ simd tx feegrant revoke $ALICE_KEY $BOB_KEY --from alice

View the allowance:

Copy $ simd query feegrant grants $BOB_KEY

# 🎉 Congratulations 🎉

By completing this tutorial, you have learned how to use the feegrant module:

  • Configured and used the simulation application (simapp)
  • Created an allowance
  • Made a transaction with fees paid by a granter
  • Revoked an allowance

There is a lot more that you can do with the feegrant module. You can add a list of allowed messages, set an expiration date, and set a time duration after which the spend limit is refilled. To learn more about the feegrant module and different types of allowances, check out the Cosmos SDK Feegrant Module (opens new window) documentation.