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# Arrays and Slices in Go

In this section, arrays and slices are introduced.

# Arrays

In Go, the size of an array is a part of the type. Therefore, arrays have a fixed size. The declaration has the following syntax:

Copy var array [size]type

You can access the data with array[index]. You can see this with a cross product:

Copy package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { v1 := [3]float64{7, 5, 4} var v2 [3]float64 v2 = [3]float64{2, 4, 6} for v3,i := [...]float64{0, 0, 0}, 0; i < len(v3); i++ { v3[i] = v1[(i + 1) % 3] * v2[(i + 2) % 3] - v1[(i + 2) % 3] * v2[(i + 1) % 3] defer fmt.Printf("%t\n", v3) } }

The compiler fits the array depending on the number of elements.

The previous example code is not well-written, but it demonstrates different aspects of arrays.

len(array) is a built-in function that gives the size of an array.

defer is used to defer the execution of last-in-first-out order until surrounding functions return.

# Slices

In Go, a slice is an abstraction built on top of arrays. Slices are more flexible than arrays and are used more often than arrays because of this flexibility.

A slice does not have a fixed size. To declare a slice, use the following:

Copy var slice []type

A slice has a length (len(slice)) and a capacity (cap(slice)).

You can also use a built-in function to declare a slice: func make([]type, length, capacity) []type. This returns a slice with the given length, capacity, and type. It allocates an array, which is referred to by the returned slice.

Now create a simple slice with three vectors, and then add a vector with the built-in func append(s []T, vs ...T) [] T function:

Copy package main import "fmt" func main() { vectors := []struct { x,y,z float64 } { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 3.2, 4, 6 }, { 4, 3, 1}, } fmt.Printf("type %#T and value %v\n", vectors, vectors) vectors = append(vectors, struct{ x, y, z float64 }{ 7, 7, 7 }) fmt.Printf("type %#T and value %v\n", vectors[3:], vectors[3:]) fmt.Printf("type %#T and value %v\n", vectors[3], vectors[3]) for i, v := range vectors { fmt.Println(i, " : ", v) } numbers := make([]int, 10, 10) // create a slice with an underlying array fmt.Println(numbers) for i := range numbers { numbers[i] = i } fmt.Println(numbers) }

You can use range to iterate over an array, a slice, or a map. i is the index, and v is the value of that index.

There is also a built-in func copy(dst, src []T) int to copy one slice into another and return the number of copied elements.

# Maps

Maps are stored key/value pairs. The declaration is as follows:

Copy var m map[keyType]valueType

However, this creates a nil map, which is not so useful. You can read such a map but not write to it. You use make to initialize a map so you can write to it. The following is more useful:

Copy m := make(map[keyType]valueType)

Now you can work with maps:

Copy package main import "fmt" func main() { age := map[string]int {"max": 24, "tom": 28} fmt.Println("map:", age) m := make(map[string]float64) m["E"] = 2.7182818284 m["Pi"] = 3.1415926535 m["Phi"]= 1.6180339887 for key, v := range m { fmt.Printf("Key: %v, Value: %v, Value: %v \n", key, v, m[key]) } delete(m, "E") // does not return anything. It does nothing, if the key does not exist. fmt.Println("len:", len(m)) fmt.Println("map:", m) _, ok := m["E"] // does the key exists? fmt.Println("ok:", ok) }

The built-in function func delete(m map[Type]Type1, key Type) deletes the element with the key from the map.

When iterating over maps, the order is not deterministic.

# Next up

After discovering slices and arrays, you can now dive into some of the useful standard packages Go offers. In the next section, you can explore fmt, strconv, and errors.